Newsletter - Talent Run

Please use this form to select which newsletters you wish to register for, or to edit your existing subscription:

  • Initiate Subscription: Fill out this form to select all or to pinpoint the newsletters to receive, or instantly register to all newsletters by submitting your email address in the one-line form in the footer area of our web pages.
  • Modify Subscription: Fill out this form again with your email address to modify prior selections, a new email will be sent confirming modification, without any duplicate entry created as your email address is your unique identifier.
  • Disable Subscription: Fill out this form again with your email address but deselect all newsletters, a new email will be sent confirming modification, yet your email will be kept in our records allowing you to resubscribe easily with the same link.
  • Cancel Subscription: Use the link in our initial welcome email, or the latest email if you modified your subscription, you then get a "cancel subscription" button on this page to delete your email from our records, and you can still resubscribe on this form later.

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